Perilaku Pencari Informasi Mahasiswa Pascasarjana UIN Alauddin Makassar

  • 11:55 WITA
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This research is about the information seeking behavior of postgraduate students at UIN Alauddin Makassar through a survey of 40 respondents with particular issues on; motivation of information seeking, characteristics of publication’needs, strategies of information searching, and the barrier of information gathering.Class assignments and self actualitation are the main motivations of postgraduate students to seek information. Printed materials, digital materials, new publications and classical publications are the characteristics of information resources needed by the postgraduate students. Libraries, book stores and people are the place for them to consult the availability of publications. Introduction, list of content, and title are the parts of publication which are commonly used as a strategy to judge the relevancy of an information resource. External  and internal barriers are experienced by post-graduate students of UIN Alauddin in gathering information.

KEYWORD: Perilaku Informasi, Perilaku Pencarian Informasi, Mahasiswa Pascasarjana